GyroWheel APP

The source code for GyroWheel APP is publicly available at GitHub Repository

How to Install Windows Drivers

There are multiple ways to install necessary software that establishes connection with the Android App.

Using Exe files:

Although downloading unknown .exe files can be risky, I can assure you that these files are safe and thoroughly tested.
But It's never bad to be safe than sorry on the internet, so I fully understand if you don't want to use them.
If you prefer a more transparent method, you can follow the steps below to use the source code directly.

This app relies on the VigemBus driver to emulate a controller, so you need to first install it.
Download VigemBus Driver

After installing the driver, you should download the correct exe file for your system, either x64 or x86 version.
Download Exe Files

Click on the one your system is compatible with, and use the button on the right to download it in the next window.

And now, you should be able to open the executable file to see different methods of connecting your Windows machine and Android device.

Using python and downloading the source code.

This method requires you to download python first, Install Python here

after this, you'll need to download the source code for the app,
Here's the link for source code in zip file.
Here's the link for source code in github, if you prefer this way.

After installing Python, use the install.bat file to install the necessary libraries, the VigemBus driver, and its DLL files
And now, you should be able to open run.bat or run-gui.bat to see different methods of connecting your Windows machine and Android device.

How to Connect using Network Mode

Select the "USE NETWORK" option in both Windows and Android devices and enter the IP address displayed in Windows app, into the first text field on your phone.
(If Windows app displays for example, you should enter to text field on your phone.)
After correctly entering the IP displayed on your PC, use GyroWheel Mode, Gamepad Mode or Keyboard&Mouse mode.

How to Connect using Bluetooth Mode

The Windows application attempts to find and display your computer's Bluetooth MAC address for easy entry in the phone app. If it fails to detect or finds multiple addresses,
you may need to enter or select the correct address manually.
To use Bluetooth mode, ensure Bluetooth permissions are granted, Bluetooth is enabled and that you have a Bluetooth-enabled computer.
Enter your PC’s MAC address (you can use the "SHOW BLUETOOTH COMPUTERS" button to get nearby MAC addresses).
Use the "CONNECT TO MAC ADDRESS" button to initiate the connection while the script is active on your computer.
Once connected, the GYROWHEEL MODE, GAMEPAD MODE and Keyboard&Mouse Mode buttons will light up for use.

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